Our vision is quite simple. Everything we do focuses on the needs of you and your family. Our expert funeral directors will create the service you want.

Working together with a number of large funeral service providers, local suppliers and with over 100 years combined experience in funeral care, we are well placed to assist you. 

We can provide services from the very simple to the most elaborate. The best part is, we are a trusted South Australian funeral home.  Our people have many years of experience in care.

All arrangements are carried out using our online service with everything done right (no cutting corners).

If you want or need a viewing, its included.  The coffin we use is simple and presentable. The people you will talk to are right here in SA.  We are people you can trust to do things simply and affordably.

Our Code of Conduct

 Our Promise to You

  • Our Code of Conduct outlines the responsibilities and proper practices which we stand by:
  • To provide confidence, confidentiality and trust to the families that put their trust in us.
  • To provide all services to the highest standards of business, professional, and personal conduct
  • To provide clear honest information on the range of funeral services available and pricing.
  • To respect the personal choice of clients, their diversity of beliefs, religion and cultural needs.
  • To give a written estimate of all funeral costs and disbursements to be made on a client's behalf at the time of taking instructions, or as soon as possible
  • To ensure that our staff members are qualified and competent
  • To be aware of, follow and advocate all relevant laws that apply to funeral service.